
www.durationpress.com/kenning Kenning is a newsletter of contemporary poetry, poetics and nonfiction writing, edited and published by Patrick F. Durgin

www.robot26.com Tom K is #1 superdesigner friend of grimsey and we adore his website full of robots and techno things that go flash in the night.

www.tangents.co.uk Grimsey's favorite online collection of art, music, thought, drawings, and other etc.

www.departureloungemusic.com this is the home of Departure Lounge and their sleepy, lovely music - like Simon + Garfunkel meets AIR.

www.elefant.com our Spanish friends!

www.dreamyrecords.com our fellow optimists and the Dreamiest label in the world

www.riviera-disques.com our French friends!

www.insound.com they sell our CDs, as well as a bunch of other music and have a great zine selection

www.bowloffire.com one of our favorite bands ...

www.hermenaut.com super-smart print journal with cultural content that rocks our worlds


www.clairecords.com great mailorder!

www.mrlady.com home of le tigre and other amazing bands! mrlady rocks!